Invest in our young people to prevent violence through programming and jobs. Strengthen our public health system and ensure a lasting COVID recovery. Improve community-police relations to make us safer.
Safe & Healthy
Restore trust by making government more responsive and accessible.
I commit to always being available, responsive, and rooted in the community. Eliminate back-door deals and tax giveaways that don’t benefit us.
Honest & Transparent Government
Engage parents and teachers to ensure the highest-quality education possible. Support families struggling through remote learning. Invest in our under-funded school buildings.
Education &
Beautify our parks and fields and improve city services including snowplow and street repair. Lower our electricity bills by investing in renewable energy like solar panels.
Quality of Life & the Environment
Continue the Zero Fare system for the WRTA to save money and create jobs for Worcester. Hold developers accountable to create good-paying jobs for Worcester residents.
Economic Development & Transportation
Expand homeownership opportunities and make property taxes cheaper for working-class families. Invest in our neighborhoods, not just downtown development.